Lent with the Fathers of the Church and Some Spiritual Writers
Lent is a privileged time in the liturgical year, preparing us for the celebration of Easter. However, our whole life should be a journey...
A Meditation for Lent
Jewish rabbis have a useful word to describe the attitude of a believer to Sacred Scripture. The word is mashal, and it is used...
VIII Sunday and Seeking Holiness
The good man out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil man out of his evil treasure produces evil;...
Verdict by Public Opinion
The topic
The July 5, 2021 edition of The Globe and Mail carried an article with the headline “Amid the shameful residential school revelations...
Building a Culture of Life, Through a Return of the Family Farm
Truth confirms truth and the general truths of the Faith promote this particular truth that the complete citizen is a free man working upon...
Putting Covid in Perspective: A Reflection
(Even if one may not agree with everything herein - and who said we have to agree on everything? - this is certainly an...
Bach and Beethoven on Classical Guitar
Someone once said that there are few more beautiful sounds than a well-played classical guitar, and I must agree, even if I enjoy all...
Dystopias and Warping Truth
Future dystopias – which now have to be written the present tense – almost invariably involve governmental control and manipulation of the people’s thoughts...
If Ye Have Faith: Constructing Churches in Poland and Europe
“It is he who shall build a house for my name; he shall be a son to me, and I will be a father...
The Dethronement of Truth
“I am the way, the truth, and the life” ~ John 14:6
Dietrich von Hildebrand's The Dethronement of Truth is a collection of three essays...