Why We Need Norman Rockwell
If there’s one thing the seemingly ever-lingering 'pandemic' has inflicted, it’s a strain on ordinary human interaction.
In November of 2021, when many long-closed museums...
The Singing Martyrs of Nagasaki
Today is the feast of Saint Paul Miki and Companion martyrs, put to death by crucifixion and impaling on February 5, 1597 at Nagasaki,...
The Term Pre-Embryo Within the Abortion Debate
It has been suggested by some, primarily within the pro-life movement, that the term pre-embryo should not be used in discussing the stages of...
The Message of the Presentation
Are there passages from the Bible that frighten you, or at least make you think twice about yourself and your behaviour? Thomas Merton—a well-known...
Pope Saint John Paul and the Presentation
(In 1997 Pope Saint John Paul II declared this ancient feast of the Presentation - also known as Candlemas - as the World Day...
Candlemas and the Keeping of the Law
When the time came for their purification according to the law of Moses, Mary and Joseph brought the child Jesus up to Jerusalem to...
Darwin’s Sad Legacy
No one doubts that modern science is a wonderful thing; but no one also doubts that it is a terrible thing. Modern factories everywhere...
The Charismatic Saint John Bosco
The term 'charismatic' has an ambiguous meaning in the Church, invoking images of liturgical guitars, drums, emotional crescendos, and disconcerting glossolalia. In the Church's...
The Last Gospel as the Mass in Miniature
The prologue of the Gospel of St. John (Jn 1:1–14), often referred to as the Last Gospel, forms part of the concluding rites of...
Does the Timing of Abortion Matter?
The Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops recently released a public statement relating to the current status of abortion in the state. The article reported...