The Last Words of Pope Saint John Paul II

On this Holy Saturday, as come to the end of a long and difficult Lent for so many, these final messages of Pope Saint...

A Meditation for Good Friday: How To Undo the Effects of Sin?

Cardinal Newman, now Saint John Henry Newman, was a towering figure of nineteenth-century Catholicism who is almost universally admired. I say “almost” because not...

The Easter Triduum According to Three Popes

At the end of Holy Week we celebrate the Easter Triduum, the days from the evening of Holy Thursday to the evening of Easter...

Pope Benedict’s Last Holy Thursday

(Here is Pope Benedict's homily for April 5th, 2012, for the Mass of the Last year before he made his own 'exodus' from...

Climbing the Mountain of Carmel: What is Carmelite Theology?

If you google - or better yet visit - the Carmel of Lisieux, you will find a small French baroque mid-ceiling chapel connected by...

Preaching Christ Crucified

Go into most Protestant churches and you may find a cross, but you will not find a crucifix located anywhere. Go into any Catholic...

Palm and Passion Sunday

And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom, and the earth shook, and the rocks were split...
Pope St. John Paul II

John Paul II and Passion Sunday

"Christ became obedient for us even to death, death on the Cross. Therefore God raised him on high and gave him a name above...

A Meditation for Palm Sunday: The Passion according to Mark

In Scripture, a single phrase can open the way to a profound insight into the message of the mysteries of the faith. A striking...

St Joseph: The Humble Extraordinary Man of God  

On this Solemnity of the Glorious Patriarch St Joseph, I would like to appreciate with you the figure of this most humble and extraordinary...