The Eclipse and the Via Negativa

An eleven-year-old boy in our neighbourhood told me that for today’s eclipse passing through Eastern Ontario, he was going to fill up a big...

Divine Mercy Sunday and the Pierced Side of Christ

‘Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe’… ‘My Lord and my God!’ (Jn. 20:18)). Today is Divine...

Christianity, Islam and Atheism

The Arab world before Mohamed was dominated by a polytheism that was slowly evolving toward monotheism. That polytheism included the supreme god among all...

The Legacy of Pope Saint John Paul II

It was nineteen years ago, at 9.37 pm, when Pope St John Paul, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, left this vale of tears...

The Last Easter Homily of Pope Benedict XVI

(Last words are always - or almost always - indicative, and one could reach much into these words of Pope Benedict XVI on his...

The Fathers of the Church on the Resurrection of Jesus  

Today is the solemnity of Easter! After three days in the tomb Jesus has fulfilled his promise that He would resurrect for life eternal....

Bach’s Easter Oratorio

A very joyous and blessed Easter to all our readers! Alleluia! Here, we offer Bach's Easter Oratorio, the companion piece to his Passions. First...

In the Glorious Light of Easter, Alleluia!

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth, for you have died, and your life is hidden...

Why Holy Saturday?

Holy Saturday is the day in-between Good Friday and the Easter Vigil, when the Church is silent, bells go quiet, Churches are stripped and...

A Lectio Divina on the Divine Mercy Prayer, “Eternal Father”

Today is the first day of the Divine Mercy Novena which can be found here. Eternal Father, God, You are eternal. Time is not something...