Constantine the Great
Tertullian rightly said that the blood of the early martyrs became the seed of Christianity. Hardly anything can be so impressive to those outside...
The Cleansing Power of Baptism
A biblical text can become so familiar that we simply bypass statements that would ordinarily puzzle us. I’m thinking of an aspect of the...
Baptism of the Lord and the Beginning of His Ministry
‘This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased’ (Mt. 3:17). ⧾
Today’s Feast of the Lord’s Baptism brings to a completion...
Shakespeare the Catholic
William Shakespeare was born at Stratford-on-Avon on April 23rd, 1564. His formal education, it is speculated, was limited. Some believe that not being university...
Prayers Before the Conscecration of the Eucharist
Here a glimpse into the past, of Canada, and the Church in Canada, with a sermon by Rev. Msgr. Vincent Nicholas Foy, preached at the...
Apostles of Joy: J.R.R. Tolkien and St. Philip Neri
(Here be some thoughts from Kaleb Hammond the connection between J.R.R. Tolkien and the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri, specifically the 'London Oratory', in...
The Catholic Dante 1265–1321
Dante Alighieri, one of the world’s greatest poets, was born in Florence, Italy, in 1265. Early in life he inherited the benefits of growing...
Epiphany: Three Approaches to Christ
In the events surrounding the birth of Jesus, three groups are called to our attention: the shepherds, the Magi and the court of King...
The Magi’s Epiphany
The Gentiles have become fellow heirs, members of the same body, and sharers in the promise in Christ Jesus through the Gospel (Eph. 3:6).
The Meaning of the Magi and the Star of Bethlehem
Every year, we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany, commemorating the visit of the magi to the Holy Family, on Jan. 6 (hence the...