The Ballad of the White Horse: An Epic for the Ages

For years, friends urged me to read The Ballad of the White Horse by G.K. Chesterton, which I proceeded to put on the back burner for...

Father Lombardi’s Quandry

Well, you have likely heard that Father Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman, has clarified that Pope Francis was indeed referring to contraception in his remarks...

On the Lord’s Appearing: A Review

(From the archives, but always new, here is a review of an excellent book by Father Jonathan Robinson, provost of the Toronto Oratory.  A...

Come, My Love: An Analysis of Thomas Merton’s Mystical Poem “Pass Through...

  Thomas Merton’s poem “Pass through My Will” takes the reader on a deeply mystical journey through layers upon layers of spiritual significance. At the...

Ash Wednesday Audience of Pope Francis

(Here are words from our current Pontiff, Pope Francis, to help begin our Lenten journey.  His message continues the tradition of the Holy Father...

Dowry in the Shadows: The Suppression of Catholicism and Spiritual Vacuum in British Society

In this essay, I am going to explore some of the causes which led to the opening of a “spiritual vacuum” in Britain, starting with the...

Married Saints

Glance at any catalogue of saints and you will be struck, as I was, at how few of them were married. There are Mary...

The Modus Operandi of Pope Francis

Like many around the world, Catholic or not, I have been trying to figure out Pope Francis.  It is always a difficult task to...

This Economy Kills

The economy has become an embodiment of all sorts of perplexing modern quandaries. Anxiety at various political, economic, corporate, and religious levels is visibly...

Growing in Holiness Through Marriage: A Personal Reflection

Last summer, my husband and I were present at the renewal of vows of a couple whose wedding I participated in as a bridesmaid....