The Church Will Become Smaller…

From the crisis of today the Church of tomorrow will emerge—a Church that has lost much. She will become small and will have to...

The Purpose of Beauty

Like many people, I have a love affair with old churches. I lived in Rome a few years ago, and I am surprised I...

PTSD, Violence and Responsibility

Another day, another shooting, this time on American soil, at Fort Lauderdale International Airport. Details are still forthcoming, but the alleged perpetrator is a...

The Blessings of Monotony

(As we all enter back into our 'ordinary' routines after Chrismas holidays, it is good to reflect upon the blessings of monotony, upon which...

Apostasy in Shusaku Endo’s Silence

A recent article in First Things by J.D. Flynn reflects upon Shusaku Endo’s 1966 Japanese novel Silence, now being released as a film directed by Martin Scorcese (which...

A Christmas Poem, by G.K. Cheserton

There fared a mother driven forth Out of an inn to roam; In the place where she was homeless All men are at home. The crazy stable close...

A Reflection for Christmas: God, Truth and Love

As Christmas rolls around this year, try not to be swept up with the hoopla of consumerism and economic materialism.  In our day and...

Canadian Pot Heads

Next spring, Trudeau, the only sitting Member of Parliament ever to admit to smoking a joint (and hence breaking the law), along with his...

The Modern Family and Their Tragic Children

Following upon my post the other day, on the young woman who drowned her newborn, and was let off with more or less a...

And Thy Word Broke Their Swords: The Empowering Depth and Dimension of Advent...

There is more to Advent and Christmas than just waiting for and celebrating Christ's birth. It serves as the beginning of an epic, and...