Whence and What Authority?

“Some are born great, some achieve greatness, some have greatness thrust upon them…”   So quoted Malvolio in Shakespseare’s Twelfth Night (albeit as he read from a letter...

A Lesson in Para Bellum: Knight of the Long Knives

History does not repeat itself, but it rhymes. – Mark Twain Si vis pacem, para bellum - If you want peace, prepare for war. This weekend...

Canada and Postmodernism’s Poster Boy

I would like to offer a reflection on the link between postmodernism and the state of our nation, its ruling government and the 23rd...
kids bulletin

The Kids’ Bulletin: A fun way for Catholic kids to learn about the...

 Yes, the title and subtitle above taken from the Kids’ Bulletin website best describes a liturgy project that is being well received by parents,...

Celebrating a Diversity of Vice

Another summer weekend, another 'gay pride' parade, this one with our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, replete with his whole family, along with the representatives...

In search of lost time

Nothing really changes much anymore. In contrast to popular assumptions, the pace of actual cultural innovation and renewal, even with regard to what undeservedly...

Religion as Good, or Evil?

Richard Dawkins, like his intellectual forebears David Hume, Feurbach, Emile Zola and countless others, claims not to be religious. In saying so, he is...

The Games We Play: A Reflection on Competition vs. Sacrifice

Games. Always playing games. Filling up the mind with plotting, and our heart’s surge crested with the thrill. Our little games, so all-important to...

Tattoo You?

An interesting factoid I recently came across, one borne out by anecdotal evidence, is that 3 out of 10 Americans now have tattoos, and...

Reading the Letter to the Philippians

Father Joseph Koterski, S.J.  One of the distinctive traits of each letter by Saint Paul is his pattern of emphasizing some significant aspect of the...