Being Santa: A Family’s Perspective
(Whatever your stance on the Santa Claus legend, and whether you maintain said legend in some way, shape and form for your children, this article...
The Theology of Christmas Presents
(A classic by the master essayist, on why we give Christmas presents, for those of us who still who sometimes wonder what is the...
He Descended into Hell
(As we begin these latter days of Advent, awaiting the imminent arrival of our Saviour, it would do us well to ponder what indeed...
Ad Multos Annos, Father Alphonse de Valk, Fifty Years a Priest.
It is fitting on this feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of life, that we offer a hearty and warm congratulations to Father...
What Does the Church Believe? : The Catechism of the Catholic Church
(This archived address by Cardinal Ratzinger, forwarded by Father Callam, fits in well with our preparations for Advent on this memorial of Pope Damasus....
Are the Poor Blessed? L’Arche, Part II
Jesus lifted up his eyes on his disciples and said,
“Blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.
Blessed are you that hunger...
Conversionary Compassion: Pope Francis and the Engaged Church
Conservative Catholics have expressed suspicion that Pope Francis is importing the values of a culture influenced by secular humanism into Church theology. He has...
The Metaphysics of Creation
Catholic Insight will publish articles on all sorts of topics, related in some way to Catholicism, from the very academic (as in the contribution...
How to Defeat Euthanasia: A Personal Story
As the ten-horned apocalyptic beast called euthanasia lies in wait at our door and we begin to reflect on how to protect our loved...
L’Arche: A Beginning
In light of the upcoming parliamentary decision to be made concerning so-called 'euthanasia laws', we have decided to re-print over the next while a...