Bound by a Seal: A Movie Review of “I Confess”

Year: 1953 Filming: Black & White Length: 95 minutes Genre: Drama/Inspirational/Religious/Suspense Maturity: PG (for intense thematic elements) Cast: Montgomery Clift (Fr. Michael Logan), Anne Baxter (Ruth Grandfort), O.E. Hass...

Athanasius, the Iota, and the Homoousion

Today is the memorial of one of the most heroic bishops in the history of the Church, the late, great Saint Athanasius (+373), a...

An Encounter with Gene Roddenberry: The Traveling Troubadour Meets the Great Bird of the...

There were many adventures to be had as a “Traveling Troubadour”. Hailing from Fort Lee, New Jersey (known as “The Silent Motion Picture Capital...

The Great Saint Catherine of Siena: A Woman for our Time

Saint Catherine of Siena (1334-1380) was a feisty, indomitable woman.  One might, in a Catholic way, claim her as an early 'feminist', in the...

So Let it Be Written: A Movie Review of the Ten Commandments

(A recent review of an older film, the Ten Commandments hearkens back to a more golden, and more innocent, era of Hollywood.  Much better...

Conscience, Law and Amoris Laetitia

Another Canadian Senator, the Liberal Colin Kenney, has been caught using public money, and his servants', sorry, his staff's, time to do personal business...

Cultural Dis-Assimilation

It was reported amongst the Indo-Canadian community, and that is the far-away India, not the Native Canadians whose ranks were just increased by the...

Mercy: Divine and Human, True and False

(The following is an address I offered yesterday at Saint Hedwig's Church for the Divine Mercy celebration.  Editor) This being the Year of Mercy, decreed...

The True Myth: Easter as the Greatest Story Ever Told

Human beings have always been story-tellers. Since the earliest days, we have striven to express our new-found ability to understand reality and interact more...

Demolishing Secular Pretensions: Assisted Suicide, the Media and Relativism

The other day, I sent a friend a couple of articles regarding Ontario’s first legal assisted suicide including John Paul Meenan’s “The Totalitarian Imposition...