Reflections on Rome

I post this final report, for now, on my recent pilgrimage, and my final destination, the eternal city to which all roads lead, Roma. These...

Bishop of Hippo, A Saint for All Time

A blessed memorial of the great Saint Augustine (354-430), bishop and doctor of the Church, and perhaps the greatest theologian in her history (although,...

The Confession of the Archbishop, and the Mother of the Confessions

What is one to say of the recent allegations of the former papal nuncio to the United States, Carlo Maria Vigano, claiming a network...

Natural Law, and an Apologia for TWU

A blessed memorial of King Saint Louis IX (+1270), on whom I hope to post a few words, as this is the anniversary of...

Slouching Towards Babel

For all shall come to nothing that proceeds not from God. The Imitation of Christ, Thomas à Kempis  In the beginning, the Lord God instructed Man to go...

Rose of Lima and the ‘Art’ of Tattoos

Saint Rose of Lima (+1617) was a consecrated virgin, and the first native-born canonized saint of the Americas. She was renowned during her lifetime...

TWU, Where are You?

Back in June of this year, I wrote a piece on the travails of Trinity Western University, and how they had been refused accreditation...

The Queenship of Mary, All Holy and All Good, and, then there’s Justin…

A blessed memorial of the Queenship of Mary, a feast formally instituted by Pope Pius XII on October 11, 1954, in his encyclical Ad...

The Pope and the Death Penalty

At the climax of Luke’s passion narrative, we see Jesus hanging between two criminals. One of the criminals mocks Jesus, but the other responds,...

The Salutary Reforms of Saint Pius X

We should pray today to Pope Saint Pius X (1835-1914) for all the woes we are currently facing in the Church. He too was...