Half-Baked Mission?

When I was a child, I thought like a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things… These words of Saint...

Hollywood Potential: Why Catholics Should Watch Movies

In my high school years, I became very active on a small, obscure social media website by the name of Tumblr. For anyone who might...

Muddling Emotionalism

Nero was given to fiddling while Rome burned, while we see what seems like a lot of muddling, as the Church faces perhaps her...

Cupertino’s Physics

To be hidden in God, known only by Him is a great treasure, which today’s saint, the Franciscan Joseph of Cupertino, lived to the full....

The Eucharist, Abuse and the Mystical Body

I have always been an emotional communicant, to this my family and parish priest can attest. The communion this Eucharist establishes is, of course,...

Truthful Repentance

Our Lady of Sorrows is a fitting memorial at this time in the Church’s history which, to put things in rather banal terms, is...

Chrysostom, Siloam and Hurricanes

Saint John Chrysostom (+407), an ascetic and contemplative monk who wanted only to retreat from the turmoil of life in the Eastern empire, was...

The Battle of Vienna and the Holy Name of Mary

September 12th commemorates the Battle of Vienna, the great victory in 1683 of the Christians armies, led by Jan Sobieski, against the Ottoman Turks...

The Catholic Roots of Modern Science

A strange myth has evolved through recent centuries alleging that the Catholic Church was forever the enemy of science, and that it set out...

The Loneliness of the Whistleblower

When Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya was crusading against the Vladimir Putin government by investigating one crime after another, she had imagined the damning headlines...