Therese, NAFTA and Communist Short Lists
I enjoy the serendipity of providence when the liturgical readings match up unwittingly with the day, as we celebrate Ste. Therese of Lisieux, more...
Archangels and Signs on the Earth
A blessed feast of the Archangels to all our readers! Father Scott’s article on the Saint Michael prayer points out that this used to...
Patching the Chinese Schism?
Be wary in signing deal with atheistic Communists, Confucius might have said, had he lived another millennia or so, only to see his nation...
T.S. Eliot on Society and Religion
Thomas Sterns Eliot (1888-1965) was born in St. Louis, Missouri and migrated to England at the age of 25. As did the American novelist...
Kavanaugh’s Inquisition
One knows not what to say at times, as events spiral faster than one’s capacity to comment on them; even one’s reflection is superseded:...
Women’s Finals and the Perils of Groupthink
By now, avid sports fans throughout the Western world and anyone who follows the news regularly, will have heard of Serena Williams’s blow-up at...
Blessed Emilie Tavernier-Gamelin and Walsingham
The Church in Canada venerates a number of Canadian saints and blesseds, almost all of them from Quebec, since the rest of Canada was...
Padre Pio and Brass Tacks
A brief note on this Sunday, on which I normally do not write, but make the occasional exception: For today is the 50th anniversary...
Oh, Cannabis!
On October 17, Canada will begin a new era of decadence. From that day on, cannabis – aka marijuana and pot – will be...
Matthew, Save our Schools
Saint Matthew, the writer of the first Gospel, represents all those ‘called’ from sin, to the highest of virtues. We know little of his...