Celebrating All the Saints

Let us all rejoice in the Lord, as we celebrate the feast day in honour of all the Saints, at whose festival the Angels...

Blessed Rosario Livatino: A Martyr for Justice

Friday 29 October 2021 remains an historic date for those who venerate Blessed Rosario Livatino, for today is his first liturgical memorial. Rosario Livatino, or...

Naming the Apostles

We encounter the name of Jude in the Book of Acts. The evangelists Matthew and Mark name him as Thaddeus. In his catechesis on...

Saint Joseph: Foster Father, Virginal Father, Real Father?

As I do more reading into what various theologians and josephologists have written about the fatherhood of Saint Joseph, I notice that there is...

Saint Anthony Mary Claret, a True Spiritual Master

October 24th is the feast of Anthony Mary Claret, and, although this is a Sunday this year, we may spend a few moments pondering...

Praying and Rejoicing with Pope John Paul II

Today, Friday 22 October 2021, the universal Church cries out with joy for the feast of Pope St John Paul II. On this very day,...

Saint Luke: Passionate Narrator of God’s Infinite Mercy

Today, Monday October 18, 2021, is the feast day of St Luke, the Evangelist and the author of the Book of Acts. It is interesting...

St Margaret Mary Alacoque: The Saint who Directs Us to Jesus’ Most Loving and...

The feast of St Margaret Mary Alacoque, which we celebrate today, Saturday October 16, reminds us of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It was on...

Saint Teresa as the Teacher of a Successful Life

How beautiful and life-giving it is to see the saints’ lives as pointers to true life! St Teresa of Avila, whose feast is today,...

Teresa’s True Concept of What a Friend We Have in Jesus

On this, the 'ides' of October, the fifteenth, mid-month, we celebrate the great mystic and doctor of the Church, Teresa of Avila (+1582) who,...