The Saint Whose Speech Was Golden

On Monday 26 July 2021 I had the grace of visiting Ravenna, once the capital city of the Western Roman Empire, from 402 till...

Saint Anthony of Padua’s Enduring Popularity

On Sunday 13 2021 the universal Church, and particularly, the Franciscan Order, celebrate with great joy the feast of St Anthony of Padua. In the...

Pope John the Martyr, and Pope John Paul’s 101st Birthday

On this May 18th we celebrate the first Pontiff with the name of John, the beloved disciple - and it was his birth name....

The Joy of Felix of Catalice – Brother ‘Deo Gratias’

Today, Tuesday 18 May 2021, is the feast of the Capuchin lay brother St Felix of Cantalice (+1587). Certainly Brother Felix has been foundational...

Saint George Preca, Catechist and Apostle of Malta

(We are a bit late, alas, in posting this reflection on Saint George Preca, a home-grown Maltese saint, whose feast was May 9th. But,...

Saint Leopold Mandić, Croatian Hero of the Confessional

On this Tuesday 12 May 2021, we celebrate the feast of St Leopold Mandić OFM Cap. (+1942). Who was this great and humble saint...
Pope St. John Paul II

Beatification of Catherine of Saint Augustine

(What follows is an excerpt from the homily of Pope Saint John Paul II beatifying Mother Catherine of Saint Augustine along with four others...

Saint Joseph, the Model for Every Worker

On this Saturday, the First of May 2021, we celebrate the feast of St Joseph the Worker. This feast has a recent history. In fact,...

John, the Beloved

On this third day of Christmas, we not only get three french hens, but, far better, we get to celebrate the beloved Apostle, Saint...