Saint Patrick and His Emerald Isle

A very happy Saint Patrick’s Day, to all our readers, and we extend that to all who are of Irish lineage, or those who...

The Tremendous Work of Clement Mary Hofbauer

The tumultuous life of Saint Clement Mary Hofbauer (1751 - 1820) proves what the devil once admitted to the Cure d'Ars, that if there...

Paul Miki and Companion Martyrs of Japan

Today, 6 February, is the feast of Saint Paul Miki and his (twenty-five) companions who were tortured and executed in Nagasaki, Japan, in 1597....

Steadfast Saint John of Brito

Saint John of Brito (1647 - 1693) was a Jesuit martyr in India, called the ‘Portuguese Francis Xavier’, as well as second Saint John...

Timothy, Titus and Episcopal Reckoning

A blessed memorial of Saints Timothy and Titus, co-workers of Saint Paul, both of them ordained by him into the early episcopacy of the...

From Saul to Paul By Way of Damascus

Who was this Paul that we are celebrating his transformative meeting with the Risen Christ which left its indelible imprint in his life? When...

Adam, Eve, Christ and Mary

Christmas Eve is the traditional feast of Adam and Eve, our primordial parents, considered saints in the Church, brought to heaven on the first...

Our Lady’s Triumph

All fair art thou, O Mary: nor is original sin found in thee (Alleluia Verse). Today’s glorious Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed...

The Virgin Mary versus the Gorgon Medusa

Almost exactly two years ago, right in the heart of Manhattan, Luciano Garbati’s sculpture Medusa With the Head of Perseus was unveiled. The statue depicts exactly...

Pope Benedict and Gertrude the Great

BENEDICT XVI GENERAL AUDIENCE Saint Peter's Square Wednesday, 6 October 2010 Saint Gertrude the Great Dear Brothers and Sisters, St Gertrude the Great, of whom I would like...