Saint Joseph Calasanz, a Radical Reformer

We would be remiss if we did not at least remark on this day on the great Saint Joseph Calasanz (+1648), a zealous priest,...

St Joseph Moscati, Holy Physician of the Poor  

(We need examples and intercessors of saintly physicians, and here is a re-post of the life of one of the greats, Saint Joseph Moscati....

Andre Grasset, Canada’s First Beatus, and a Martyr in the September Massacres

Blessed André Grassett was the first Canadian to be beatified - not quite the first 'saint', which requires canonization, and that honour belongs to...

Saint John the Beloved, Seer of Patmos

BENEDICT XVI GENERAL AUDIENCE Paul VI Audience Hall Wednesday, 23 August 2006 John, the Seer of Patmos Dear Brothers and Sisters, In the last Catechesis we had reached the meditation...

Romuald’s Eremetical Reform

Saint Romuald (+June 19, 1025/27) was a tenth-century monk, founder of the strict Camaldolese Order, named after their primary benefactor, Maldoli, who, impressed by...

Saint Teresa’s Dark Night

September 5th is the feast of St Teresa of Calcutta, this year on a Sunday, but a few words may be in order, as...

The Tremendous Work of Clement Mary Hofbauer

The tumultuous life of Saint Clement Mary Hofbauer (1751 - 1820) proves what the devil once admitted to the Cure d'Ars, that if there...

Dina Belanger’s Unrelenting Quest for Perfection

Blessed Dina Belanger is a home-grown Canadian saint - see our words on the martyr Andre Grasset from September 2nd - whom we commemorate...

The Hope of the Holy Innocents

The feast of the Holy Innocents, which we celebrate appropriately enough within the octave of Christmas, might seem a troubling commemoration at first glance....

Saint Anthony of Padua…or Lisbon

Saint Anthony of Padua is usually named historically after the city-state in northeastern Italy where he died after his brief but full life at...