Pope St. John Paul II

Pope John Paul II and the Chair of Peter

EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION WITH THE NEW CARDINALS HOMILY OF JOHN PAUL II Thursday, 22 February 2001 Feast of Saint Peter's Chair 1. "'Who do you say that I am?'. Simon...

Blessed Jacinta and Francisco Marto – The Youngest Canonized Saints, but Not the Least

On this day in 1920, February 20th, the 'Spanish' influenza took the life of nine-year old Jacinta Marto, as she lay alone in a...

The Seven Servite Saints of the Virgin Mary

The Seven Founders of the Servite Order commemorate the group of cloth merchants who in 1233 left everything to follow Christ, with a special...

St Claude de la Colombière and his Friendship with Christ

On February 15th, we celebrated the liturgical memorial of St Claude de la Colombière. This Jesuit priest was the confessor of St. Margaret Mary...

Henry Walpole and William Byrd

Tertullian’s oft-quoted phrase, “the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church,” immediately evokes scenes of the early Christians in the Roman...
Pope St. John Paul II

John Paul II’s Slavorum Apostoli

JOHN PAUL II SLAVORUM APOSTOLI I.  INTRODUCTION 1. THE APOSTLES OF THE SLAVS, Saints Cyril and Methodius, are remembered by the Church together with the great work...

Saints Cyril and Methodius, and, Yes, Valentine

On this fourteenth of February, in the universal calendar we celebrate the ninth-century monks and missionaries Saints Cyril and Methodius, patrons of Europe, who...

The Salvific Message of Lourdes

Our Lady of Lourdes is one of the few visions of the Virgin Mary to be placed in the public Liturgical calendar of the...

The Last Visit of Scholastica and Benedict

Saint Scholastica (+543) was the sister - some sources say the twin - of Saint Benedict. Like her brother, she forsook everything to follow...

The Formidable Forgiveness of Josephine Bakhita

On this day in 1947, February 8th, Sister Josephine Bakhita completed the long and eventful journey of her life. Born around 1869 - she...