The Hope and Courage of Charles Lwanga and Companion Martyrs

If the Church seems moribund in North America, there is hope in the vast continent of Africa, where there are untold millions of Catholics,...

Peter and Marcellinus, Hidden Yet Their Voice Goes Out Through All the Earth

Like many of the early martyrs, not much is known of Saints Marcellinus and Peter, except that they died for the Faith during the...

Justin, the Philosopher’s Martyr

Saint Justin (+165) who is called the 'martyr', was born around the time the last Apostle, John, departed this life for heaven. Justin was...

Sainte Jeanne d’Arc, the Remarkable Maid of Orleans

Saint Jeanne d’Arc (+1431), the maid of Orleans, is hailed as patroness of France, their saviour, as the story goes, in the fight for...

Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church

Five years ago, - way back in those halcyonic days of 2018 - on the 160th anniversary of the first apparition of Lourdes, on...

Canterbury’s Augustine, Who Made Britain Catholic

There are two Saints Augustine - the bishop of Hippo, and author of the Confessions and numerous other theological masterpieces, and, today's saint, Augustine first...

Philip Neri’s Cheerful Spirit

We celebrate today one of the most joyful and idiosyncratic – the two are not unrelated - of saints, Philip Neri, (+1595), the founder...

Three Saints for One

There are many saints in the Church's history - there are, by one estimate, about 6000 at least quasi-officially canonized - too many ever...

Blessed Louis-Zepherin, a Model Bishop for Canada

Today in Canada we celebrate Blessed Louis-Zepherin Moreau, (1824 - 1901) an exemplary bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe in Quebec. Born rather sickly and undersized to...

Saint Rita’s Mission Impossible

A fitting thought on this vigil day of Pentecost is that nothing is impossible with God. Did not Christ promise that He would grant...