Saint Gregory Barbarigo
Ephraim’s Mission of Beauty
(We missed Saint Ephraim on his post-1969 feast of June 9th, so here are a few words on the great Syrian mystic on his...
Alicja Lenczewska: Life of a Sinner and Mystic
Of three remarkable women, all Polish and devout Catholics, the most renowned mystic among them is undoubtedly Saint Faustina Kowalska, whose diary is deemed...
Saint Germaine Cousin – A True Cinderella
Not many Catholics know of Germaine Cousin (+1601) today, which is likely how the saint would have liked it, for she lived an obscure,...
Saint Anthony of Padua…or Lisbon
Saint Anthony of Padua is usually named historically after the city-state in northeastern Italy where he died after his brief but full life at...
Saint Barnabas and Keeping up the Good Fight
It is fitting that we celebrate the Apostle Barnabas, the ‘son of consolation’, or the ‘son of encouragement’, in this season of the Holy...
Blessed Nicholas of Gesturi
The 8th of June also marks the liturgical memorial of Blessed Nicholas of Gesturi. Who was this lay brother? Why is his example so...
Saint Columbkille, the Irish Apostle to Scotland
If you will forgive a little parochialism, today is the feast of Saint Columbkille (521-597), also called Columba, who is not celebrated in the...
Mary’s Immaculate and Maternal Heart
On the Saturday after the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Catholic Church celebrates the Immaculate Heart of His Mother Mary, the...
Our Lady Seat of Wisdom, Our Lady of Combermere and the Immaculate Heart
A blessed ‘feast’ of Our Lady Seat of Wisdom, Sedes Sapientiae, an ancient and venerable title of the Virgin Mary celebrated on June 8th...