Our Lady of Perpetual Help, and Saint Cyril’s Defense of Mother and Son
Today is the traditional feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, signified in one of the most famous ‘icons’ of the Virgin Mother, which,...
Saints John and Paul – and Josemaria
We usually try to commemorate the saints in the current, public liturgical calendar, but now and again, we will mention those more hidden, even...
Saint William of Monte Vergine
William of Vercelli (1085 -1142) was a tenth-century hermit, and almost-accidental founder of an Order, the Congregation of Monte Vergine, also called the ‘Williamites’....
Pope Benedict and the Birth of the Baptist
St. Peter's Square
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Today, 24 June, we are celebrating the Solemnity of St John the Baptist. He is...
The Birth of John the Liminal and Luminous Baptist
A blessed Solemnity! We celebrate the birthdays of three ‘saints’ in our liturgical calendar: Christ Himself, the Son of God, of course, on Christmas...
Saints John Fisher and Thomas More: Men for Our Times
Two glorious martyrs of the 'Reformation' are celebrated today. First, Saint Thomas More, husband, father, lawyer, sometime chancellor of England, martyred in 1535 along...
Saint Paulinus of Nola
Paul VI Audience Hall
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
Saint Paulinus of Nola
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The Father of the Church to whom we turn our...
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, Bent Iron, and Summer’s Solstice
On this 21st day of June, we remember Saint Aloysius Gonzaga (+ 1591), a Jesuit scholastic who died at what we might consider the...
Saint Joseph’s Perpetual Virginity and the Apocrypha
Some time ago a good friend of mine asked me to write an article touching on the Perpetual Virginity of Saint Joseph and concerning...
Romuald’s Eremetical Reform
Saint Romuald (+June 19, 1025/27) was a tenth-century monk, founder of the strict Camaldolese Order, named after their primary benefactor, Maldoli, who, impressed by...