Pope Benedict and Augustine
Paul VI Audience Hall
Wednesday, 9 January 2008
Saint Augustine of Hippo (1)
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
After the great Christmas festivities, I would like to...
Augustine’s Pilgrimage to Truth
A blessed feast of the great Saint Augustine (354-430), bishop and doctor of the Church, and one of the greatest theologians in her history,...
The Persevering Prayer of Monica
Monica is the patron saint of mothers - not least, those who pray for the conversion of their children, an integral part of the...
Pope Benedict, Monica and Marriage
Courtyard of the Papal Summer Residence, Castel Gandolfo
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Three days ago, on 27 August, we celebrated the liturgical...
The Black Madonna: Our Lady of Częstochowa
This feast of the 'Queen of Poland' is a national holiday in that great nation, with thousands of pilgrims flocking to her shrine at Jazna...
Saint Louis IX: A Most Christian King
St. Louis IX (1214-1270) has been considered by many to be the greatest king of medieval Christendom. As the quintessential Catholic monarch, he ruled...
Saint Joseph Calasanz, a Radical Reformer
We would be remiss if we did not at least remark on this day on the great Saint Joseph Calasanz (+1648), a zealous priest,...
Pope Benedict and Saint Bartholomew
Saint Peter's Square
Wednesday, 4 October 2006
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
In the series on the Apostles called by Jesus during his earthly life, today...
Saint Bartholomew, aka Nathaniel, In Whom There Was No Guile
A blessed feast of Saint Bartholomew, to one and all! Like many of the Apostles, we don't know all that much about the life...
The Enigmatic and Ecstatic Life of Rose of Lima
Rose of Lima (+1617), whose birth name was Isabel, was called 'Rose' when a servant saw her face mystically transformed into the beautiful flower...