Saint Hildegarde von Bingen, a Woman for All Seasons

Hildegarde von Bingen (+1179)  is one of the newest saints in the liturgical calendar, canonized 'equipollently' by Pope Benedict XVI on May 12, 2012...

Pope Benedict and Robert Bellarmine

BENEDICT XVI GENERAL AUDIENCE Paul VI Audience Hall Wednesday, 23 February 2011 Saint Robert Bellarmine Dear Brothers and Sisters, Born on 4 October 1542 in Montepulciano near Siena, he was...

Saint Robert Bellarmine’s Clarity of Mind and Soul

In the midst of the theological and cultural confusion in which our Church is mired, we could use a few more men with the...

Saints Cornelius and Cyprian, Shepherds for Christ and Martyrs for His Truth

Saint Cornelius was Pope for a scant two years in the middle of the third century, elected in 251 and put to death in...

Mater Dolorosa, Mother of Sorrows

A blessed memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows to all, even if this year muted by the Sunday. This feast was first celebrated in...

John Chrysostom: The Man with the Golden Mouth

Saint John Chrysostom (+407) was a model bishop, a doctor of the Church, an ascetic and contemplative monk who wanted only to retreat from...

Pope Benedict and Saint John Chrysostom

BENEDICT XVI GENERAL AUDIENCE Saint Peter's Square Wednesday, 19 September 2007 Saint John Chrysostom (1) Dear Brothers and Sisters, This year is the 16th centenary of St John Chrysostom's death...

Blessed Jerzy Popiełuszko, Conscripted Priest, and Martyr for Conscience

Next month, October, marks the 40th anniversary of the abduction and murder of Blessed Father Jerzy Popiełuszko (1947-1984). He was a Polish Roman Catholic...

Peter Claver’s Untiring Fidelity

Saint Peter Claver (+Sept. 8, 1654), whom we celebrate on this 9th day of September, was a Jesuit priest in the first missionary fervour...

Our Lady’s Birthday

A blessed and joyful birthday to Mary - even if it be muted this year, falling as it does on a Sunday. This feast...