Sci Fi Movie Triplex: Interstellar, Oblivion and Edge of Tomorrow

My movie selection over the past few months has been in the science fiction genre, which is often heavy on the 'fiction', and light...

So Let it Be Written: A Movie Review of the Ten Commandments

(A recent review of an older film, the Ten Commandments hearkens back to a more golden, and more innocent, era of Hollywood.  Much better...

Captain Fantastic and Hollywood’s Anti-Catholicism

Viggo Mortensen, the same actor who played Strider/Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, seems to enjoy getting naked in his non-Tolkien films,...

The Lego Movie

The time has come: LEGO has released its first full-length theatrical film, The Lego Movie, and it is doing fantastically across the board. It has...


On 25 February, the Ontario Science Centre held a media premiere for the National Geographic IMAX film Jerusalem. Writer, producer, and director Daniel Ferguson attended...


The 1987 movie RoboCop has become a household classic over the last 27 years and even if you have not seen it, chances are you have...

12 Years a Slave

12 Years a Slave is a powerful film based on the memoir by Solomon Northup published in 1853. The film has won 134 awards since...

Dracula Untold: Fallen man, the tragic hero

It is perpetually wonderful to me how much truth can find its way into secularists’ stories. Dracula Untold, Universal’s newest origins story, is a...

Our Lady’s Psalter

Our Lady's Psalter: The Rosary of the Mystery of Christ Translated by Fr. Marco Testa ISBN 978-0-9880692-0-6 Cost: $10. Proceeds benefit the pro-life movement. Father Marco Testa, a...

Is Superman still a Christian hero?

What if a child dreamed of becoming something other than what society intended? What if a child aspired to something greater? (Jor-El, Man of Steel) In June 1938,...