Bruckner’s Ave Maria

In honour of this double memorial of Our Lady Seat of Wisdom, the patroness of our college, and Our Lady of Combermere, the patroness...

Venantius’ Vexilla Regis Prodeunt

Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus was a self-described wandering minstrel in Europe of the very early Middle Ages, or late Antiquity, or the inaptly-described 'Dark...

On the Beach, With Benedict and Hope

Pope Benedict XVI, in his second encyclical, the 2008 Spe Salvi (Salvific Hope) offers a distinction from the Letter to the Hebrews: We as...

Lo, He Comes With Clouds Descending!

Say what you like about the early Methodists, but they could write some melodious hymns, and one of the greatest and most prolific is...

Trudeau’s MAiD Service: A Euthanasia Program for Canada

The development of the laws that legalized and continue to expand assisted suicide and euthanasia in Canada reflect the speed at which society increasingly...

Saints and Sinners: A History of the Popes

No Pope is impeccable, even if, by virtue of their office, they are at times infallible – or, more precisely, a few of their...

Hilary Mantel’s Reformation Revisionism

Hilary Mantel, English novelist  died last week at the age of 70. Her fame - or infamy, depending on one's perspective - rests largely...

Reading the Church Fathers: A Review

As I was reading Reading the Church Fathers: A History of the Early Church and the Development of Doctrine, a brand new magnum opus...

Virgina Woolf’s ‘To the Lighthouse’: Isolation and Intimacy

Human relationships are sorely limited. We all long for companionship and lasting union with another. However, regardless of place or time, one's ability to...

Romano Guardini’s ‘The End of the Modern World’

The End of the Modern World, a 1956 book by Italian-German priest and theologian, Romano Guardini, is not an easy or facile read. That...