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      From Marx to Gaia

      People who are not governed by God Will be ruled by tyranny. William Penn What an extraordinary convergence of events. As the Russian dissident Vladimir Bukovsky lay...

      Unnatural Family Planning

      In a conclave of atheists, agnostics, and secular progressives, a seminar to discuss the human sexual drive would certainly speak about the most anatomically...
      Pope St. John Paul II

      The Baptist and the Second Sunday of Advent

      Angelus, Second Sunday of Advent, 7 December 2003 1. "Prepare the way of the Lord, clear him a straight path" (Lk 3: 4). This invitation of...

      Prayer for Christian Unity by Pope John Paul II

      (What follows is a prayer penned by Pope Saint John Paul II, which goes along with his longer meditation on unity between Catholics and...

      Where Might we Find Another Ambrose?

      The great bishop and doctor Ambrose (340 - 397) is known for many things, not least his role in the conversion of the great...

      Keeping Advent Well

      There is a remnant of the former ways in the Church, in this church where there is no sign of Christmas, where the vestments...

      An Open Letter to the French Speaking Bishops of Canada

      (This is a crie-de-couer from a group of long-suffering young people in Quebec, hungering for the fullness of the Faith, of which they feel...

      The Last Sunday of Advent

      What follows is Pope Saint John Paul II's last Advent address, way back in 2004. He would go to his eternal reward three months...

      The Light of the Incarnation in a Dark World

      As Christmas approaches and this decade ends, it would be worth our while to consider the current situation we find the world in. The...
      Pope St. John Paul II

      Urbi et Orbi 2002

      (Here is the Christmas address of Pope Saint John Paul II, from way back in 2002, and the needs for which he prayed seventeen...