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      Funeral Homily of Pope John Paul II

      FUNERAL MASS OF THE ROMAN PONTIFF JOHN PAUL II HOMILY OF HIS EMINENCE CARD. JOSEPH RATZINGER St Peter's Square Friday, 8 April 2005 "Follow me. " The Risen Lord says...

      The Body and Judgement

      “The Spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead, . . . will give life to your mortal bodies.” This is what we...

      From the Homily of Pope Paul VI At the Canonization of the Forty Martyrs...

      25th October 1970 To all those who are filled with admiration in reading the records of these martyrs, it is perfectly clear that they are...

      Pope John Paul’s All Souls’ Message

      JOHN PAUL II ANGELUS - ALL SOULS DAY Sunday, 2 November 1997 Dear Brothers and Sisters, 1. Yesterday we celebrated the Solemnity of All Saints and today the...

      On Evil Euphemisms

      Somebody has sent me a book on Companionate Marriage; so called because the people involved are not married and will very rapidly cease to...

      Parents beware: The effects of teaching same-sex attraction during pre-adolescence

      (At the request of the author, we are re-posting this reflection by Leeda Crawford from September 2010, sage advice for parents with children in...

      Pagan Idolatry and Catholic Fortitude

      A writer must at times take back, or at least re-form, opinions once vaguely and lightly and perhaps too hastily held. Even the great...

      The Faith is All or None

      (I may write more on the recent headline, which comes not as a surprise, that most 'Catholics' - and one must use that term...

      Saint Thomas and Merit

      (Here is, for your perusal, Saint Thomas' teaching on charity - or divine-like love, 'willing the good' - is the principle of merit, rather...

      The Thirty Third Sunday’s Eschaton

      Beware that you are not led astray (Lk. 21:8). ⧾ The sacred liturgy again today directs our attention to the eschaton, the teaching about the...