Orestes Brownson on Socialism & the Church

Orestes Augustus Brownson (1803 –1876) was among the most original and powerful intellects of his era. A self-taught child prodigy who had memorized most...

John Lukacs on Democracy and Populism

Hungarian John Lukacs (1924-2019) was born to a Catholic father and a Jewish mother. He studied history at the University of Budapest and fled...

Unplanned: The Beginning of the End of Abortion?

On April 10th, I got in the car with my sister and drove to Ottawa for a private screening of “Unplanned”. I had read...

Amoris and the Sacramentality of Marriage

How are Catholic couples meant to interpret Amoris Laetitia? When already a fog of confusion surrounds the question of whether or not the divorced...

The Tragic Dignity of Margaret Pole

A brief mention of today's saint, Blessed Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury (+1541), the daughter of George, Duke of Clarence, who was in turn...

The Intellectual and the Gunman

What Christ said of the poor might be said of intellectuals: they will always be with us. Then the question naturally arises: in what...

Why the Ideological ‘Rosary of Modern Sorrows’ is not a Rosary

The ‘Rosary of Modern Sorrows’ (RMS) is made by the American company, 'Contemplative Rebellion' (CR) and is sold on-line for US$62. It is unique,...

The Significance of the March for Life

The upcoming feast of Saint Matthias, May 14th, paradoxically marks the sombre anniversary of the legalization of abortion in Canada, under Trudeau Sr., in...

The Good Shepherd, Who Never Leaves His Flock

Has any one of you ever been a shepherd? or even seen one? Do shepherds exist in contemporary North America? Nevertheless, we know instinctively...

On the Jaws of Death and the Gates of Heaven

Dietrich von Hildebrand (1889-1977) was a Catholic convert, philosopher, and theologian whose deep thinking prepared him during his long life for fruitful meditations on...