Despair, Hope and the Rosary

In honour of the Blessed Virgin, we might peruse Pope Saint John Paul II's encyclical on the Rosary, Rosarium Virginis Mariae, which he promulgated...

The Writ Be Dropped

Today marks the official beginning of the campaign to elect the next Prime Minister, on October 21st, five short weeks, praise God, rather than...

9 11 and Historical Memory

It is difficult to believe that it was a full eighteen years ago I first heard of the attack – initially reported as a...

The Company We Keep

The climate-change crowd seem to be testing the bounds of sanity and, pardon the pun, good taste. A Swedish professor, a certain Magnus Söderlund has...

A Philosophical Habit of Mind

On a more positive note on how universities may best fulfill what they were originally founded to do, please do feel free to peruse...

Vita Primitiva

A few thoughts on this Saturday morning in early September, which I hope finds all our readers well. Peruse Paula Adamick's take on the Church...

Millions of Minds Missing Out

I just heard on the CBC that two million Canadians have just begun their course of studies at university, and my mind boggled. I...

Cardinals, Climate and McCarrick

Pope Francis plans to appoint 13 new Cardinals in a consistory on October 5th. There are currently 215 members of the sacred college, of...

Mother Teresa’s Spiritual Pilgrimage to the Poorest of the Poor

Students have now flocked to university, where they will be subjected to four years of indoctrination in various aspects of modernism, for want of...

Poland’s Dismemberment and World War II

Before we leave today behind, we should mention that this September 1st marks the 80th anniversary of the German invasion of Poland in 1939,...