Saint Lucy’s Luminous Light

It may be difficult to believe in these dark December days, but a scant week from now, once we pass the winter solstice, the...

Taylor Swift: Sad Tragedy, or Joyful Comedy?

(Today is Miss Swift's 35th birthday, the feast of Saint Lucy, patron saint of light. As we mention in this reprieve, may the virgin-martyr...

Pope Damasus: The Faith, the Bible and the Mass of All Time

We owe quite a lot to Pope Saint Damasus (305 - 384), who oversaw the universal Church during the tumultuous era of the lingering...

The Holy House and Litany of Loreto

The memorial of Lady of Loreto was put back into the universal calendar, on this day by Pope Francis three years ago, in December,...

I am the Immaculate Conception

Que soy era Immaculada Concepciou - I am the Immaculate Conception These are the words Our Lady said to Saint Bernadette Sobirous, in her own...

Would the Real Saint Nicholas Please Stand Up?

Saint Nicholas of Myra (+343) has gone down in legend in more ways than one. His general story follows below, but through the years...

The Legendary Saint Barbara

As Hilaire Belloc notes, a legend does not imply something isn't true; rather, it signifies some primordial truth so important that is has been...

Saint Bibiana and Single Ladies

Saint Bibiana (+ca. 363), who is commemorated today, a virgin martyred during the reign of Julian the Apostate (355-363), is the patroness of single...

Andrew, An Apostle for All Ages

A blessed feast of Saint Andrew to all our readers! Today, the last day of November, we celebrate the first Apostle called, along with...

Catherine’s Pure Philosophy

In one of those ironies of God's history - choosing what seems weak to confound the apparently strong - the patron saint of philosophers...