On the Feast of Stephen…

As the mid-19th century hymn has it, Good King Wenceslaus first went out, on the feast of Stephen, when the snow lay 'round about,...

S.A.D.S, Bieber and the Pope

I did not know that Ray Liotta had died, in his sleep. He was in the midst of filming a new movie, and engaged...

Holy Norbert and Heroic Normandy

Saint Norbert (+1134) of Xanten was a zealous bishop and founder, whose feast has since 2018 been trumped by Mother of the Church. I...

Trump, Zika and Contraception

The Holy Father has started another furore with his latest off-the-cuff interview on the plan ride back from his pilgrimage to Mexico.  I would...

The Hollow Cross

Good artists, musicians, writers, and dramatists are able to reflect reality. Often their work is so true to life that we cannot see it. I...

Quebec’s Demographic Demise

Quebec is back in the news, this time with a report of its death-spiral of a birth rate.  It seems Quebec women by and...

History is Christological, Mariological – and Josephological

A fruitful read by Peter Leithart: Man's Marian Future. And not only is our future Marian, but so is our past and present, but...

Fatima’s Miracle of the Sun

This 13th day of October marks the anniversary final apparition of Our Lady at Fatima in the fateful year of 1917, to the three...

Fifty Years On, the Controversy Continues

I was not sure we should mention the fiftieth anniversary of the moon landings, fraught as they are with so-called conspiracy theories. Whatever one...