Abbot Anthony’s Narrow, but Joyful, Way to Heaven
Saint Anthony (+356) is commonly called 'the Abbot', or Anthony ‘of Egypt’, where he retreated to the wilderness as a young man to live...
Long Live Saint Paul the Hermit!
Saint Paul of Thebes (+ 341) - whom we celebrate either on January 10th or, today, on the 15th - is traditionally considered the...
Saints Hilary and Mungo, Contra Haereses
On this 13th day of January, in bleak midwinter, we celebrate two saints. The first, in the public calendar, is the great Saint Hilary...
L.A.’s Inferno and Metanoia
As we pray for those affected by the Los Angeles fires - still burning and uncontained as I write - the significance of this...
Justin Trudeau and the Long, Long….Long Goodbye
Napoleon once quipped that if you want to discover a man's character, don't make him suffer; rather, give him power. By their fruits ye...
Petit Brother André Bessette: The Miracle Worker of Montreal
On January 7th here in Canada we honour one of our most beloved homegrown saints, André Bessette (1845-1937), a humble lay-brother who went on...
The Epiphany to Wise Men
A blessed and joyous Epiphany to all our readers, this twelfth day of Christmas, in theory, on January 6th, even if in Canada the...
Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton: The First American-Born Saint
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton (1774 - 1821) signifies what America once was and, by the grace of God, may yet be again. A rich...
The Holy Name of Jesus
Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every...
The Cappadocians and the Last Days
Today's fourth-century saints, Saints Basil of Caesarea (+379) and Gregory of Nazianzen (+389), comprise, together with Basil's brother Gregory of Nyssa (+395), the trio...