Saint Paul’s Marvelous Metanoia
Metanoia is the original Greek term for 'conversion', which opens the Gospel of Saint Mark with Christ's exhortation: 'Repent and believe in the Gospel!'....
Iraq’s Child Brides
Iraq (*) just passed a 'law' permitting nine-year old girls to marry, following other jurisdictions, and the advice of imams and Islamic interpreters too...
Saint Francis de Sales, Ecumenism and Christian Unity
In this week of prayer for Christian unity, I have an article on the Toronto archdiocesan webpage – or more like a few brief...
Saint Francis de Sales and the Joy of Salvation
It would be ironic if on this feast of the patron saint of writers, as well as this week dedicated to Christian unity, we...
Espousal(s) of the Blessed Virgin Mary
This day, January 23rd, is the wedding anniversary of the Holy Family, the traditional feast of the espousals of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Yes,...
Nathanson, Roe and the Battle for Life
Even though the infamous Roe v. Wade decision has now been cast into the dustbin of history - Deo gratias - we still must...
Saint Vincent the Deacon’s Silent Witness
Saint Vincent the Deacon (+304), who suffered grievous tortures witnessing to his Catholic faith under the Diocletian persecution (as did yesterday's Saint Agnes) is...
A New Era
A blessed Inauguration Day, especially to all our American readers. Say what you will about Donald Trump - he does have his limitations, and...
Saints Fabian and Sebastian: Doing the Holy and Perfect Will of God
Pope Fabian (+250) was put to death on this day in the persecution of Emperor Decius, for refusing to offer idolatrous sacrifice, and this...
Extraordinary Ordinary Time
With the feast of Christ’s Baptism last Sunday, and the 'Second Sunday' today, we enter back into what we now call ‘Ordinary Time’. We...