Thanksgiving Day

A blessed and joyful Thanksgiving to all of our readers, even the American ones who, of course, hold their own day of thanks later...

Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher: Forming the Next Generation

Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher (+1849) is commemorated today along with Saint Bruno, a Canadian sister, who, under the inspiration of Saint Eugene de Mazenod and...

Apocalyptic Synods

The long-awaited, or dreaded, depending on one's perspective, Synod on Synodality begins today, and we pray that whatever God wills from this, whether antecedently...

Saint Vincent de Paul and Giving our All

The life of Saint Vincent de Paul (1581 - 1660)  - he always signed his name 'Depaul', perhaps so people would not think him...

The Indomitable Courage of the Canadian Martyrs

We are living in dissociated times – and by that I mean that we have become unhinged from our moral law, our customs, our...

Gregorian Chant: Music for Soul, Body, and God

I recently read a short (152 pages) and small book (each page is 5” by 6”), with beautiful font, and a fittingly short title,...

The Enduring Message of La Salette

On September 19th, 1846, Maximin Giraud and Mélanie Calvat, two shepherd children were coming home from tending their flock outside the picturesque hamlet of...

Becoming Eunuchs for the Kingdom: What Gives?

In Matthew’s Gospel (19:12) Our Lord exhorts us to become ‘eunuchs’, which is not to be taken too literally, even if there are rumours...

Crushing Dissent

The punishing penal sentences meted to two groups of protestors - a group of pro-lifers who blocked an abortuary, as well as those who...

Resisting Evil: The Beatification of the Ulma Family

God permits moral evil - He never wills it, let it be said - but He does allow it, even the grave and demonic...