Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys: What Canada Was, and May Be Again
On this January 12th here in Canada we celebrate Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys (1620-1700), founder of the Congregation of Notre-Dame, and the first official school...
The Ecstasy of Fernandez, Mariette and Teresa
We won't talk about the resurfaced book by Cardinal Fernandez, like some antedeluvian and postlapsarian creature out of the black lagoon. The current head...
Living Our Baptism
A blessed feast of the Baptism of the Lord, which in the novus ordo normally falls on a Sunday, standing for the first Sunday...
Saint John Neumann, the Bishop Who Kept on Going
Today is the feast of Saint John Neumann - whom we should keep distinct from Saint John Henry Newman, the English Oratorian and fellow...
Theotokos, or Christotokos? A Christmas Heresy Begets a Christian Truth
Was Christ was a human person? That may seem an odd question, to which most of us might reply, of course He was! (or...
A Happy Marian New Year!
The Church begins each new calendar year with a Marian feast, celebrating the Virgin Mary as the Mother of God, Theotokos – literally the...
Mother of God, New Year’s Eve, the Te Deum and Auld Lang Syne
A very blessed Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God - of which more, anon - as well as New Year's Eve, the latter much...
Saint John’s Eagle-Eyed View
Today is the feast of Saint John the Evangelist, also called the ‘Beloved’, as the one closest to the heart of Our Lord, likely...
Solzhenitsyn: A Soul in Exile
I just finished reading Joseph Pearce’s biography of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, subtitled ‘A Soul in Exile’, a remarkable book, packing a very full life into...
John of Damascus, Defender of Icons and the Last of the Eastern Fathers
Was there ever a golden age of Catholic and Islamic relations? The evidence for such is slim, with the two religions seemingly incompatible and...