Saint Colette of Corbie

Nicole Boellet (1381 - 1447) was a miraculous birth. Her childless, elderly parents, Robert and Marguerite, prayed to Saint Nicholas that they might conceive,...

Saint John Joseph of the Cross

Today's saint is not to be confused with the more famous Saint John of the Cross, the Carmelite mystic and doctor of the Church....

Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College Receives Permission to Grant a Four-Year Bachelor of...

Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College (SWC) in Barry’s Bay, Ontario, has been granted permission to offer a four-year Bachelor of Arts degree by...

A Person’s A Person, No Matter How Tiny – At Least in Alabama

As Dr. Alexander Lozano points out, the Supreme Court of Alabama has decreed that frozen embryos - and, by extensions, embryos in general -...

To Choose, or Not, ‘The Chosen’

There used to be a custom in Hollywood to hide the face of Christ on film – see the scenes Spartacus and Ben-Hur. This...

Three Outrages, Three Churches

outrage: an act of violence or brutality; an act that violates accepted standards of behavior or taste; the anger and resentment aroused by injury...

The Astronomer and the Physicist

I. The ancient Greeks – Plato and Aristotle, especially – made a distinction between two approaches to science. (And, by science, they meant anything that...

A Catholic Family Day

I suppose it is requisite to wish everyone a happy Family Day, even though, as my own Dad said about 'Mother's Day', every day...

Censoring Science

Two significant censorship stories: Here in Canada, Member of Parliament Charlie Angus has put forward a bill, C-372, that would criminalize any speech claiming the...

The Incorrupt Life of Saint Catherine de Ricci

Saint Catherine de Ricci (1522 – 1590) – born Alessandra Lucrezia Romola de' Ricci – was from the same city, Florence, as her contemporary...