The Rope Swing

Nobody knew where the rope came from. One Sunday morning after Mass in early spring, we found a thick rope hanging from an old...

Pope Benedict’s Resignation, Ten Years On…

Today marks another sombre anniversary - it was ten years ago, on the last day of February, that Pope Benedict XVI officially resigned the...

The Cardinal’s Candidate

The widening chasm in the Catholic Church - mirroring that in the broader society and culture - continues unabated. One is left wondering at...

Vanier’s Legacy

De mortuis nihil nisi bonum dicendum est – speak nothing but good of the dead, first attributed to Chilon of Sparta in Greek, we...

Two Benedicts: A Wandering Beggar and A Long-Suffering Pope

A grace-filled continuing Easter season to all our readers! As we rejoice with great joy in the glory and hope of the Resurrection about...

Saints Hilary and Mungo

On this 13th day of January, in bleak midwinter, we celebrate two saints. The first, in the public calendar, is the great Saint Hilary...

Our Lady of Fatima, Medjugorje and Private Revelation

The revelations of Fatima - the 100th anniversary of which coincided with Canada's 150th birthday two years ago, and take that for what you...

Saint Kieran and His Contrary

March 5th is the traditional feast of Saint Kieran, an early Irish monk and bishop, one of the 'Twelve Apostles' of Ireland, disciples of...

The Costa and Celibacy

Pope Emeritus Benedict and Cardinal Sarah have just released a book in defence of clerical celibacy, just as Pope Francis is pondering relaxing the...

Justin, Philosopher and Martyr

Saint Justin, who is called the 'martyr', was born around the time the last Apostle, John, departed this life for heaven. Justin was not...