The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to our Brains

(In light of Saint Isidore of Seville, patron of the internet, here is a re-post of a review from 2016, on Nicholas Carr's book,...

Saint Richard of Sussex

Saint Richard of Chichester (+1253) was a mediaeval bishop in Sussex - now the patron saint of that bucolic region in the south of...

It’s Official: John Paul II Day in Canada

Our parish priest reminded us this morning that by statutory law in Canada, today is officially 'John Paul II Day'. I must confess that...

Aichinger’s Regina Coeli, Alleluia!

A blessed, joyous and grace-filled Easter to one and all! Christus resurrexit! Dominus surrexit vere! Alleluia! One of my favorite pieces of this season...

A Minimalist Friar

Were this not Tuesday of Easter Octave, this April the second would mark the memorial of Saint Francis of Paola (+1507), founder of the...

Trudeau’s Carbon Tax, and the Rule of Non-Law

This April 1st is the Monday of Easter Octave - and a continued blessed one to all. Christus resurrexit vere, alleluia! But in the...

Bach’s Easter Oratorio

A very joyous and blessed Easter to all our readers! Alleluia! Here, we offer Bach's Easter Oratorio, the companion piece to his Passions. First...

Good Friday and Suffering

Evil and pain is always a mystery, that whole mysterium iniquitatis, of which Saint Paul writes (2 Thess 2:7). In 1984, Pope Saint John...

Digital Dopplgangers

Here we go, with another 'leap' in the A.I. revolution, digital copies being made of products, factories, towns, villages, animals and, ambitiously, of ourselves,...

Judas and Spy Wednesday

Today is Spy Wednesday in our tradition, the day on which Judas Iscariot decided to hand over Our Lord for thirty pieces of silver...