White Rose, Vance, Freedom and Truth

On February 18th, 1942, the Gestapo rounded up the leaders of the White Rose resistance movement, four of them young students, and one a...

The Seven Servite Saints of the Virgin Mary

The Seven Founders of the Servite Order commemorate the group of cloth merchants who in 1233 left everything to follow Christ, with a special...

Of Flags and Dominions

Today marks the 60th anniversary of our adoption, back in 1965 under Lester B. Pearson, of a the ‘maple leaf’ as our national flag,...

Saint Claude de la Colombière

Claude de la Colombière (1641 – 1682) is known primarily for his role as the spiritual director of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, the recipient...

Ricci and Lucia

On this February 13th we commemorate the mystic Dominican tertiary Saint Catherine Ricci (1522 – 1590), a contemporary of Saint Philip Neri (+1515 -1595), to whom...

Trump 2.0, Redivivus

(This is a revision of a previous post, with some new material – as the theme suggests, it’s difficult to keep up with the...

The Salvific Message of Lourdes

Our Lady of Lourdes is one of the few visions of the Virgin Mary to be placed in the public Liturgical calendar of the...

The Last Visit of Scholastica and Benedict

Saint Scholastica (+543) was the sister - some sources say the twin - of Saint Benedict. Like her brother, she forsook everything to follow...

The Formidable Forgiveness of Josephine Bakhita

On this day in 1947, February 8th, Sister Josephine Bakhita completed the long and eventful journey of her life. Born around 1869 - she...

Saint Jerome Emiliani’s Pilgrimage to Heaven

Today, with Saint Josephine Bakhita, we also celebrate Saint Gerolamo - or Jerome - Emiliani (+1537), who ran away from his home in Venice...