Assumption and the Resurrection

A blessed and glorious solemnity of the Assumption to one and all! A day commemorating the taking up of the Blessed Virgin Mary, body...

Jane Frances de Chantal and her Visitation

Jane Frances Fremiot (+1641) was a beautiful, refined young woman from Burgundy, betrothed to the handsome Baron de Chantal at 21 years old -...

Saint Edith Stein’s Witness to the Cross

Edith Stein (+ 1942) was a brilliant philosopher, earning her doctorate summa cum laude in August of 1916 on the problem of empathy - understanding...

Saint Dominic’s Battle for Truth

Saint Dominic (+1221) was one of those souls destined from birth to do great things - as, we may suppose, all saints are in...

Trois Jours au Québec – Three Days in Quebec

Quebec is a paradox, much like France, whose offshoot she is. So Catholic on the outside: majestic churches towering over the countryside and cities,...

Saint Cajetan, Founder of the Theatines

On this day, along with Pope Sixtus and his companion martyrs, we honour Saint Gaetano Cajetan (1480-1547), not to be confused with the 'other'...

Pope Sixtus and Companions, Martyrs To the End

Historians count ten traditional persecutions of Christians in the early Church – from the first, under Nero, beginning in 63 A.D. through a series...

Blessed Frederick Jansoone: The Bridge of Ice, and the Guardian of Notre Dame du...

(I just returned a few days ago from a brief pilgrimage to Quebec, on which I will post some thoughts; for now, here are...

Our Lady of the Snows: Santa Maria Maggiore

On August 5th, we celebrate the dedication of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, the highest church in the hierarchy of churches dedicated to...

Saint Jean Vianney, a Priest for Priests

On this day, August 4th, in 1859 - the same year that Darwin published his specious Origin of Species that, sadly, shook the faith...