The Rule of Law

“Why does each small thing in the world have to fight against the world itself? ... So that each thing that obeys law may...

Altar Boys

I found an old picture of my father in an attic drawer. It was taken on the occasion of the St. Peter’s Altar Boy...

Dear, Old South Side Hill

The fondest thoughts of childhood’s day twine ’round thee, dear old hill, And as I gaze, thy bare, bleak braes with love my bosom thrill; For...

The Three Taps

Chapter 1. The Euthanasia Policy In a sense, though, insurance was but an empirical science until the Indescribable Company made its appearance. The man who...

The Newfoundland Quarterly

Vol IV, No. 2 (October 1904) The Old Coat of Arms at Placentia: The French Arms Although the Fleur-de-Lis was from time immemorial used in ornamentation...

Introduction to the Devout Life

31. Pastimes and recreations. To get out into the open air, be entertained by happy, friendly conversation, play the lute or some other musical...

Generally Speaking

On American morals As I also have the habit, and have never been able to imagine how it could be connected with morality or immorality,...

Legends and Lyrics: A Book of Verses

The Three Rulers I saw a Ruler take his stand And trample on a mighty land; The People crouched before his beck, His iron heel was on their...

St. Patrick’s Fire

In our culture, the closest thing we have to a state religion is the worship of scientific knowledge, which is really just the worship...

The Hollow Cross

Good artists, musicians, writers, and dramatists are able to reflect reality. Often their work is so true to life that we cannot see it. I...