Merrie England Once More

As I begin this reflection, I am on my way to the Devon coast, having just passed through Bath, set up by the Romans...

Kavanaugh’s Inquisition

One knows not what to say at times, as events spiral faster than one’s capacity to comment on them; even one’s reflection is superseded:...

Fra Juan’s Canticle of Light and Darkness

The Carmelite Order traces its spiritual roots back to the prophet Elijah, but its practical foundation was in the twelfth century, round about the...

Violence and Rational Dialogue

Already it has begun, with the bodies of the Christchurch victims not yet buried, and the emotional calls for condemnation even of the very...

Western Schism, Redivivus?

There is no easy solution to the present crisis in the Catholic Church, which is a crisis of faith, of doctrine, of morals and...

Orange Day and Saint Oliver Plunkett, the Last Martyr of the Protestant ‘Reformation’

July the 12th is ‘Orange’ Day, celebrated still with fervour in Northern Ireland, commemorating the defeat of the rightful Catholic king of the Stuart...

Vita Primitiva

A few thoughts on this Saturday morning in early September, which I hope finds all our readers well. Peruse Paula Adamick's take on the Church...

Sunday, and Pre-Election Thoughts

A blessed and glorious Sunday to all our readers... Today's Gospel speaks of Christ's 'elect' - that is, His chosen, which in the end means...

The Servite Saints of the Virgin Mary

The Seven Founders of the Servite Order commemorate the group of cloth merchants who in 1233 left everything to follow Christ, with a special...

Prayers Requested for Father Alphonse de Valk

We have been asked to pray for Father Alphonse de Valk, who is nearing his eternity. The message we have received runs as follows,...