Canadian errant

David Warren, former editor of the Idler and columnist for the Ottawa Citizen, now writes an “anti-blog” entitled Essays in Idleness at He was born...

Nazi and Nazarene

FROM: RONALD KNOX, “NAZI AND NAZARENE” MacMillan War Pamphlets No. 5 London: MacMillan and Co. Ltd., 1940 We have to remember, besides, that the wedge method always...

The Vicar of Christ

FROM: THOMAS WILLIAM M. MARSHALL, “The Vicar of Christ” Protestant Journalism, No. XLVIII London: Burns and Oates, 1874 And when they cannot entice men openly to rebel against...

Quarterly Review for January 1873

FROM: ORESTES BROWNSON, “QUARTERLY REVIEW FOR JANUARY 1873” The Works of Orestes A. Brownson, Vol. XX Collected and arranged by Henry F. Brownson Detroit: H. F. Brownson,...

The future of the Church

I speak a great deal at Catholic and pro-life venues in Canada, the United States, and Britain. It’s perhaps the aspect of my professional...

The hub of Christianity

We really have to take back our history. In other words, Catholics have to know about their collective past and be prepared to explain...