Thoughts on July the Fourth: Oz, Ireland, Canada and, of course, the U.S. of...
Following upon my brief remarks upon the charges laid against Cardinal Pell last week, a must-read is this insightful article by Julia Yost in...
Thomas the ‘Doubter’ and the Nature of Faith
Today is the feast of Saint Thomas, the Apostle, who gets a bit of a bad rap as 'doubting' Thomas, a term is that...
Dominion Day, Trudeau’s Socks and Canadian Martyrs
A blessed and joyous Dominion-Canada Day to all, as we mark the 150th anniversary of the signing on of those first few provinces into...
Protomartyrs, Authority and the Tweets of Trump
I have an article published this morning on Crisis magazine, a reflection on the nature of authority. As is the custom, I will post...
Peter, Paul and Pell
A blessed solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul to all our readers, a venerable feast that goes back to the very origins of the...
Resisting Reform
As many saints, scholars and sundry others have discovered, reform is a difficult business. Reforming oneself is hard enough, in others, more difficult still,...
A Few Good Men
This past Saturday was the solemnity of the birth of Saint John the Baptist, a feast that commemorates the beginning of the end of...
Parents’ Day?
Tomorrow, besides being the much more important solemnity of Corpus Christi (at least here in Canada, more on which in a bit) is also...
Wynne’s Socialist Largesse
Alexis de Tocqueville is proved right once again, that the tyranny of the majority lies inherent in any democracy. Our erstwhile Premier, Kathleen Wynne,...
Captain Fantastic and Hollywood’s Anti-Catholicism
Viggo Mortensen, the same actor who played Strider/Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, seems to enjoy getting naked in his non-Tolkien films,...