Saint Anthony and the Spirituality of the Desert

Sunday 17 January 2021, is the liturgical feast of St Anthony of Egypt or Anthony the Great. In the words of Pope Francis when...

The Year of Mark: Who Was Jesus?

(In this year that we follow the Gospel of Saint Mark, Father Callam offers us a four-part series on the Evangelist and his perspective...

Chesterton and Light in the New Dark Ages

Certain critics tell us that we wish to return to the Dark Ages about which they themselves are entirely in the dark. They are...

A Chiming Clock: Strengthening the Family with the Wisdom of St. Benedict’s Rule ...

As lockdowns continue and children and students are confined to attend school from home, increasingly it would seem, there is a need to structure...

Christ, the Light of the World

On entering the house, they saw the Child with Mary his Mother; and they knelt down and paid Him homage. Then, opening their treasure...

Is the Covid Sars-2 Vaccine Morally Licit? Formal and Material Co-Operation

A question for all of us, those who may see the vaccine as the prophylactic panacea to bring us back to peace and normality,...

Belloc’s Tarantella – and as Sung by Old Thunder Himself

Tarantella by Hilaire Belloc Do you remember an Inn, Miranda? Do you remember an Inn? And the tedding and the spreading Of the straw for a bedding, And the fleas...

Suffer the Little Children…

In Mark, 10, Jesus is asked by the Pharisees (“to test Him”) whether divorce is lawful. As He admits, the Law of Moses (Deuteronomy...

Finding the True Meaning of Christmas

Last week I promised to consider how we could possibly ignore all the bad and sad news and try to make this Christmas as...

The Primacy of the Family, and Children

It has always been difficult for the homilist to preach on the feast of the Holy Family. In the old days, the priest would...