Becoming a Catholic Pastor, Post -“Pennsylvania”

It’s a real mess, and I assume that it’s going to get messier. In the past few days I have had many discussions, read...

Do Cats Go to Heaven?

(The Church in her official capacity does not speak much of animals, except in their relation to us humans. They don’t have intrinsic ‘rights’,...

He Is Risen Indeed, Alleluia!

The fifty days between Easter and Pentecost are devoted to meditation on the mystery of the resurrection, which is the foundation of Christianity. Just...

Fraternal Trust and Care of the Sick

As has been the custom for the last thirty-eight years, on Thursday 11 February, precisely on the liturgical memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes,...

Matthew, Save our Schools

Saint Matthew, the writer of the first Gospel, represents all those ‘called’ from sin, to the highest of virtues. We know little of his...

Pius XII – The Final Chapter?

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against...

A Hallowed Eve: The Spiritual and Cultural Traditions of Halloween  

Halloween has always been a complicated holiday, laced together with many threads of different spiritual traditions and cultural customs. It has always stirred up...

Ben Nevis

When one first arrives in Scotland, everything seems a wee bit, well, smaller or, as they might put it, ‘wee-er’. The streets are narrow,...

Why Are So Many Young Women Getting Breast Cancer?

(There are many a priori reasons why abortion is wrong, the primary one being that it snuffs out the life of the unborn child....

The Virgin Mary versus the Gorgon Medusa

Almost exactly two years ago, right in the heart of Manhattan, Luciano Garbati’s sculpture Medusa With the Head of Perseus was unveiled. The statue depicts exactly...