Listing to Heaven
For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil intentions: fornication, theft, murder, adultery, avarice, wickedness, deceit, licentiousness, envy, slander, pride, folly....
The Late, Great, Saint Augustine
On August 28th, we celebrate with great joy the feast day of St Augustine of Hippo, the great doctor of the Church.
This fourth and...
The Reckoning
After nearly six years of Liberal incompetence and corruption, compounded by long months of Canadian churches closed to prayer and worship, I consider that...
Father Marco Testa’s Series on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Compiled
A faithful reader mentioned that she had difficulty finding Father Marco Testa's wonderful, sublime, but also very pragmatic and a propos series on the...
Avoiding Catholic Syncretism
Throughout her history, the Catholic Church has always had to struggle to address controversial issues of all kinds, and what we are facing in...
Queenship of Mary
The 22nd of August of the feast of the Queenship of Mary, which this year falls on a Sunday, one week after the Assumption....
The Holy Mass Part VII: The Culmination of the Sacrifice
This Sunday’s reflection is the seventh in a series of meditations on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, with specific references to the Ancient...
Biber’s Rosary Sonatas
We will post our Sunday musical selection a day early this week, as there is a Marian theme, fitting for this Saturday in August,...
The Muddled Metaphysics of Darwin
(Today, August 20th, marks the anniversary of the publication Darwin's Origin of Species, in 1858, whose full title includes also "by Means of Natural...
Saint Bernard, Contemplatio in Actio
Today, the 20th of August, the universal Church celebrates “the man of the twelfth century”, St Bernard of Clairvaux.
Born in 1090 in Fontaines, France,...