Pope Benedict’s Final Advent Angelus

(What follows is Pope Benedict XVI's last Advent Angelus address as Pope, in 2012. A couple of months later, in February, 2013, he would...

The Christmas Novena of Saint Alphonsus Ligouri

On December 16, we begin the Christmas Novena. In these nine days of reflection this Novena  will take us up to Christmas Eve, December...

Sunday Musical Offering: Jean Mouton’s Nesciens Mater

Jean Mouton (1459 - 1522) was a French priest, canon and, like Vivaldi (also ordained), a prolific composer, well ahead of his time in...

Listen: A Poem

Listen   Everything is loud, until you listen. If you couldn’t speak, what would you do? What would you notice? The miracles of Christ or Christ? Hume said, “The Son...

Words Aren’t Weightless: A Poem

Words Aren’t Weightless    “Sticks and stones may break my bones  But words will never hurt me” Tell that to the lasting tone of a stone Their syntax sticks My...

Second Sunday of Advent: The Baptist, Newman and Preparing for the Lord

Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight (Lk. 3:4). ⧾ The Gospel of the Mass on this second Sunday of Advent introduces...

What King James Has to Say about the Lectionary

The current lectionary at Mass in Canada has been in use for nearly thirty years now; it was introduced in 1992. At that time...

Love of Country: The Unsung Virtue

“For us, after God, the greatest love is Poland”  - Bl. Stefan Wyszyński In the sixteenth century St. John of the Cross said: “The Lord...

Tradition: The Weakest Possible Argument, or the Strongest?

The Weakest Possible Argument? The weakest argument is that based on authority. This fact may explain why Father Most’s article on the history of the...

Keeping Advent Well

There is a remnant of the former ways in the Church, in this church where there is no sign of Christmas, where the vestments...