Of Grace, Gratitude and Grievance

All we hear is the negative stuff; nobody’s interested in the positive, the joy in that school. Nine of the happiest years of my...

Twenty-Fourth Sunday: The Good Shepherd and the Love of God Incarnate

The saying is sure and worthy of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners – of whom I am...

Twenty Third Sunday: The Cross, the Eucharist, and Life Eternal

‘Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple’ (Lk. 14:27). ⧾ This saying of Our Lord is very...

Eternal (not Universal) Salvation Is Our Greatest Hope

Not long ago a theologian within the Eastern Orthodox tradition named David Bentley Hart released a new book entitled Heaven, Hell, and Universal Salvation...

Babies, Rivers and Trees

In July 2022, Bangladesh became the first country to grant all of its rivers the same legal status as humans. The movement to grant legal...

A Grandmother and a Bishop

When Bishop Guy Desrochers C.Ss.R. was consecrated as the Bishop of Pembroke Diocese in Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec, he brought with him a...

Twenty Second Sunday: Humility, the Cross and Salvation

Perform your tasks with humility….To the humble the Lord reveals His secrets…By the humble He is glorified (Cf. Sir. 3: 17-20). ⧾ The lessons of...

Aiming for Heaven to Win the Culture War, and On the Way, Answer What...

Should Catholics focus on winning political battles as the primary means of reclaiming the culture? Should we put our Faith on the back burner...

The Demands of the Christian Life

The Gospel of Luke combines inexpressible tenderness with an intolerable severity. Consider the contrast between the parables of the prodigal son or the good...

Twenty-First Sunday: Entering By the Narrow Gate to Find True Freedom

Strive to enter to through the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able (Lk. 13:...