The Wedding at Cana: An In-Law’s Perspective
Dedicated to Rita Ann Knuffman
As the old proverb, now meme, goes, “Blood is thicker than water”. Blood meaning family, and more specifically, individuals who...
Fourth Sunday of Easter: Cultivating Catholic Culture
‘I came that they may have life and have it abundantly’ (Jn. 10:10).
These few words tell us everything that we need to know about...
Saint Mark and the Resurrection
At Easter Sunday Mass, you heard the closing verses of Saint Mark’s Gospel, or almost so. I say “almost” because our lectionary omits the...
Three Reginas
Here is a sublime rendition of the Regina Caeli Laetare a 8, by Tomas Luis De Victoria (1548-1611), as sung again by the ensemble...
Interpreting the Scriptures Concerning Himself
In the Nicene Creed we find the phrase, “ suffered death and was buried, and rose again . . . in accordance with the...
Easter, Atonement and the Mystagogy of Our Faith
These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you – that everything written about me in the Law...
The Road to Emmaus
As Catholics, we are truly blessed by how our Scripture readings at Mass are linked to the great events we are commemorating. For instance,...
The Dark Side of ESG – Environmental, Sustainable, Governance
(On this eve of 'Earth Day' - if you've lost real liturgical feast days, as Robespierre discovered, you've got to make them up -...
What Keeps Me Spreading the Message of the Divine Mercy
It was last Thursday, during the Easter Octave, I went down in the kitchen of the friary to take a cup of coffee as...
Divine Mercy Sunday
‘Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe’… ‘My Lord and my God!’ (Jn. 20:18).
Today is Low...